In a well-furnished kitchen there are not only crystal goblets and silver platters, but waste cans and compost buckets---some containers used to serve fine meals, others to take out the garbage. Become the kind of container God can use to present any and every kind of gift to his guests for their blessing. " You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies." Psalm 23:5
Friday, August 7, 2009
This is why we call Hunter our little monkey.He really is a riot to watch. He has brought so much joy to our life. I hope he is happy and healthy with his new caregiver.
That is cute to watch! My older brother and sister always called me a monkey too. Something about I could climb OUT of anything they put me in!!! God bless your little grandson in his new day care.
What a cute little fellow! I am so sorry the decision was made to put him in day care and out of your care. That just strikes me as such a wrong decision for Hunter. is on Marys way to work. close to the mall where she works. It is probably good for them because they were taking advantage of me but not as good for little Hunter. I am trusting God in this matter. It is all I can do
That is cute to watch! My older brother and sister always called me a monkey too. Something about I could climb OUT of anything they put me in!!! God bless your little grandson in his new day care.
What a cute little fellow! I am so sorry the decision was made to put him in day care and out of your care. That just strikes me as such a wrong decision for Hunter.
He sure is cute, and active. I hope too, that his care giver is kind .
Sounds like you are going to be pretty busy though, moving and re-settling.How far away from Hunter's home will you be when you move?
Alice, keep in mind Romans 8:22!
I'll pray for you! xoxo is on Marys way to work. close to the mall where she works. It is probably good for them because they were taking advantage of me but not as good for little Hunter. I am trusting God in this matter. It is all I can do
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